International travel can be an exciting adventure but it can also bring many unpredictable situations if you should need medical care while you’re abroad. We provide US citizens and non-US citizens with a travel insurance quote for International insurance and provide the resources to ease the stress of an unfamiliar culture or medical system.
Get an Individual Travel Insurance Quote or Group Quote Now
Whether you need individual coverage for a vacation, overseas assignment, or group coverage for employees in locations around the world, IMG GLobal Travel Insurance Quote Site has a product to meet your needs. By utilizing our Policy Picker, we can quickly direct you to the plan(s) that will best meet the needs of you, your family or your organization. Below are product descriptions of the international plans we offer. You have the option of getting an IMG Global Travel Insurance quote online or downloading an application and submitting the completed application via fax or mail to purchase your policy.
Type of Travel Insurance Plans:
Patriot Travel Medical Insurance: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- Travel medical insurance for individuals, families, and groups
- Coverage for medical expenses, evacuation, and repatriation
- Renewable up to 24 months
- Coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions
Patriot America Plus: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- COVID-19 coverage for travelers to the U.S.
- Coverage for non-U.S. residents traveling to the USA
- Coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions
- Renewable up to 24 months
Global Medical Insurance: GET QUOTE
- Long-term (1+ year) comprehensive worldwide medical insurance for individuals and families
- Annually renewable medical coverage
- Deductible options from $100 to $25,000
- Maximum limit options from $1,000,000 to $8,000,000
- Maximum Limits from $10,000 to $1,000,000
Patriot Platinum Travel Insurance: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- COVID-19 coverage for travelers to the U.S.
- Travel medical insurance for individuals, families and groups
- Coverage for acute onset of pre-existing conditions
- Renewable up to 36 months
- Maximum limits from $1,000,000 to $8,000,000
- Employer-sponsored group health insurance for internationally assigned employees
- Life, dental and daily indemnity coverage
- Full group takeover and replacement provision
- COBRA and HIPAA like options
- Enhanced benefit option for U.S.-based employers
Patriot Multi Trip: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- Annual multi-trip travel medical insurance for individuals, families and groups
- Deductible of $250
- Maximum limit of $1,000,000
- Coverage for multiple trips up to 30 or 45 days
- Flexibility to travel as many times per year
Global Hopper Senior: GET QUOTE | MULTI-TRIP QUOTE
- Travel medical insurance for travelers age 65+
- GlobeHopper Senior Single-Trip is extendable up to 12 months
- Deductible options from $0 to $2,500
- Maximum limits from $50,000 to $1,000,000
- Two plan designs – Single-Trip and Multi-Trip
Patriot Exchange Program: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- Medical insurance for students studying abroad or participants of cultural exchange programs
- Deductible options from $0 to $100
- Maximum limit $5,000,000
- Most plan options are designed to meet the U.S. J1 and J2 visa travel insurance requirements
Student Health Advantage: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- Medical insurance for international students or scholars participating in a sponsored study abroad program
- Coinsurance in PPO network or student health center within the U.S.: Company pays 100%
- Deductible of $100
- Maximum limit for student: $500,000
Student Health Advantage Platinum: GET QUOTE | GROUP QUOTE
- Medical insurance for international students or scholars participating in a sponsored study abroad program
- Coinsurance in PPO network or student health center within the U.S.: Company pays 100%
- Maximum limit for student: $1,000,000
- Provides coverage for mental health, organized sports and pre-existing conditions
iTravelInsured Travel Insurance: GET QUOTE
- Insurance that covers trip cancellation, travel delays and other losses incurred while traveling
- Travel insurance program for trips up to 180 days
- Standard Coverage for trip cancellation and interruption
- Emergency medical expense, evacuation, and reunion benefits
- Three product options for varying levels of coverage
Global Crew Medical Insuarance: GET QUOTE
- Long-term (1+ year) comprehensive worldwide medical insurance for marine captains & crews
- Annually renewable medical coverage
- Deductible options from $0 to $25,000
- Maximum limits from $1,000,000 to $8,000,000
- Premium modes to schedule the frequency of payment that meets your needs
International Marine Medical Insurance: GROUP PROPOSAL
- Worldwide group coverage for professional marine crew
- $5,000,000 maximum benefit per insured person per period of coverage
- Primary to the vessel’s Protection and Indemnity insurance (P&I)
- Coverage for individuals and dependents